Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Field Report - Gretal's Kidnapping 3

OK. We've gone over the room a bit (It's now 3:30 PM, Gretal has been missing for 17 hours). We found that they had linked to a hotel server in order to access the internet, and Lady Saturday has hacked it and is trying to retrieve information. Other than that the room looks pretty clean.

Their are three of them, not counting Gretal. They put Gretal on the bed, and then the woman sat in a chair reading and the two men stood near the door. I retrieved a hair sample which is being analyzed by a back channel contact I do not wish to reveal at this time.

One troubling aspect, Silver Slippers stated that there was a pool of magic in the room, what she called a "Shallowing." She attempted to divine it's purpose, but is a bit hesitent to use magic, as she suspects it might be some sort of trap. For the moment we are focusing on using more mundane techniques, reserving magic for use if everything falls through.

Speaking of mundane techniques, Molly was able to glean some information from the desk clerk. He remembered them checking in and out. The hotel is near the train station, so it is common enough for wealthy people to take a room for a couple of hours while waiting for a train. They checked in at about 2:00 AM and Checked out at about 5:00 AM. He didn't see them check in, but he saw them check out. He was curiously unable to give a good description of any of the principles, other than that the men were wearing bad suits.

The desk clerk did say that Gretal was giggling to herself, which he found disconcerting. This does lend credence to the theory that she is being drugged, as, to my knowledge, Gretal has never before giggled.

I should have more in a bit, hang tight.


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